Friday, July 27, 2007

Research, Technology, and the Passion for Teaching

The Wind River Canopy Crane gave us a bird's eye view of cutting edge forest research. What kind of research is conducted in your area? What technologies are being used? How are you using this research in your community or program? How do you think that research and teaching are connected?

Thursday, July 26, 2007

The Forest Will Provide

Thanks for visiting with the Confederated Tribes of Warm Springs today. What native or indigenous people live in your area? How do they use natural resources? Do you work with them on your projects?

Wednesday, July 25, 2007

Urban and Community Forests: It’s Where We Live

Visiting the Portland Park blocks (see before and after photos) with our local urban forester and community activist put tree planting on our minds. What kind of tree planting activities do you have in your community? Are your children, schools, and communities involved? Do you have special, significant trees in your community? Where are they and why are they important?

Tuesday, July 24, 2007

Major Disturbance! A Tale of Two Forests

We hope that you enjoyed your visit to Mt. St. Helens National Volcanic Monument and Weyerhaeuser St. Helens Tree Farm today.

1. What is the major disturbance - natural or human-caused - in your home region?

2. What large disturbance events have you lived through? Tell us about one of them (year, event) and how it impacted your community. Include any relevant links.

Monday, July 23, 2007

World Class Attractions!

Welcome to the world famous Columbia River Gorge! We hope that you enjoyed your hike and waterfall tour. Our day was filled with "postcard" and "calendar" worthy scenery.

All of you have similar sites in your home regions. Tell us about one of your natural or cultural attractions that visitors come to see. Please include any links to the site that we might enjoy!

Sunday, July 22, 2007

Welcome to the IEI blog!

The International Educators Institute is a unique week-long professional development program and Pacific Northwest field study tour. Since 1996, IEI participants have traveled to Portland from 20 countries and 26 states. We bring together international forest researchers and the most active and successful master educators in the U.S. and abroad.

This blog will be used throughout the 2007 IEI to document our activities, discussions, and new ideas!

IEI participants, please add your first comments today (Sunday, July 22). In your first comment:
  • introduce yourself
  • tell us in your native language: 1) a common greeting and 2) how to say "forest".
  • Share your first impressions of people and place
Don't forget to sign your name to your comments - thanks! ~Angie and Rick