Thursday, July 17, 2008

Electronic Field Trip Link

Here is the latest information from Ball State about accessing their Tree-mendous Technology program about the canopy crane...

Hello Rick,
So great to hear from you. Glad to see that you are still on the job too. I might not be for long though, as our program has lost its funding from Best Buy Childrens Foundation. We have money for 2 more shows, and the development office here at BSU is continuing to look for more $$. We are hoping the university will find money for us to continue at least through the school year.

To access our student/teacher website, follow this link:
login: forest
Password: canopy

You can pass all of this info along to any of your educators.
For the show archive (which is housed at Apple Learning Interchange), you don't need a login or password...even though there is a place to enter that. Just ignore it! Click where it says "play" on the photo to start the video. If you click on the Q in the lower right hand corner, you can enlarge the screen.

You will need Quick Time software (free download, and available at Apple Learning Interchange) and a fast Internet connection.

Good luck with your educators institute. I am sure you will do a great job! Glad to see the crane folks are welcoming the teachers.
Best wishes,

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